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É«É«ÊÓƵ chapters are groups of code officials and industry-related professionals run by volunteers who support and promote the mission and goals of the Code Council. Chapters create partnerships with members of the building community, and increase public awareness about the value of code officials in our everyday lives.

É«É«ÊÓƵ Chapter Logo

Chapters Make a Difference

They provide significant support for the code development process, International Code (I-Code) adoptions and other important Code Council initiatives such as Building Safety Month, the Code of Honor scholarship program and the Raising the Profile campaign.

Anatomy of a Chapter

The Council is supported by more than 400 chapters across the country and around the world. Chapters are designated as Regional, State, Local, Professional, Student or Global depending on the geographical area they serve and the nature of their membership. Every É«É«ÊÓƵ chapter is different. Many chapters focus on a particular discipline such as Building, Fire, Mechanical or Plumbing. Learn more about chapters, chapter responsibilities or how to become a chapter by reading the Council Policy.

An important objective of an É«É«ÊÓƵ chapter is to develop and advance members professional abilities in the administration of the I-Codes. Other activities include:

  • Educational seminars and training
  • Keeping members updated on industry issues
  • An extensive support network and voice
  • Shared expertise and ideas
  • Professional networking
  • Social gatherings of field professionals
  • Periodic meetings on topics of common interest
  • Information concerning employment needs
  • Information on construction methods

Interested in Starting an É«É«ÊÓƵ Chapter?

Recognition as a Code Council Chapter is available to any organization whose purpose is developing and advancing its members’ professional abilities in the administration of the International Codes. The Board of Directors shall consider all applications for chapter status and grant recognition when all requirements are met.

Here are samples of the documents that need to be completed to apply for É«É«ÊÓƵ Chapter status:

  • Chapter Constitution/Bylaws (Download a sample in Word or PDF)
  • Chapter Resolution (Download a sample in Word or PDF)
  • Member Roster (Download a template in Excel)*
  • Elected Officials (Download a template in Excel)

* To qualify as a local Chapter, the group needs to have at least 20 active International Code Council members at the time of application, 10 of whom must be Governmental Members, per Code Council Policy #CP-10. A list of Chapter members who are also Code Council members that meets these minimum standards must be submitted with a Chapter application.

Once the documents are ready for uploading, complete the online application and upload to apply.
Questions? Contact Tamika Dunning, Manager of Member Services at tdunning@iccsafe.org.